The work was open for viewing only during the Summer Screenings 2024.

TALK by Zhou Zhou
UK (2023)

Talk epitomizes the harmonious fusion of human movement and cutting-edge technology in a captivating contemporary dance performance. Central to this artistic endeavor is an interactive music system with generative audio AI integrated, empowering performers to create sound through their movements. As dancers move across the stage, their motions are intricately captured by motion sensors and translated into a rich tapestry of sounds by the system, crafting a symphony as diverse and fluid as the dance itself.

Director’s Statement
As an artist deeply immersed in the realms of sound design and new media, my work is a testament to the profound impact of technology on artistic expression. My practice is anchored in the belief that technology is not just a tool, but a lens through which we can explore new dimensions of perception and emotion. Through the intricate use of advanced AI, I create soundscapes that are not only heard but felt, weaving them seamlessly into the fabric of new media art to tell stories that resonate on multiple sensory levels.


Talk epitomizes the harmonious fusion of human movement and cutting-edge technology in a captivating contemporary dance performance. Central to this artistic endeavor is an interactive music system with generative audio AI integrated, empowering performers to create sound through their movements. As dancers move across the stage, their motions are intricately captured by motion sensors and translated into a rich tapestry of sounds by the system, crafting a symphony as diverse and fluid as the dance itself.

Director: Zhou Zhou
Cast: Leyan Xie, Qi Song
Videographer: Ziqin Xu


Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.

By pebbles

Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.