The work was available on our website only for the period of the screening.

“A Word Fell Out of My Mouth and Broke” (00:09:09) by Reza Kellner, Anna Jurkiewicz, Austria, 2023

Constantly changing states, the clay reinvents itself – it works, rests, breathes, absorbs water and releases air, becoming an object and returning to dust or mud.

Three performers explore ways of becoming, relating and decaying with clay as representational and vital (subject)matter. Longing hands intervene and accompany the
journey of clay. Playful and ritually solemn at the same time, enacting the endless cycle of
doing and undoing. The pragmatic practice of working clay morphs into a sensual experience driven by tactile intelligence and spontaneous invention of ritual. Human hands, dust, mud–clay at various stages of hygroscopy and desiccation are equal protagonists of the film. A haptic feast of textures, and fluid gestures on the other, join to create a choreography of perpetual becoming and unbecoming of vessels and words.


Anna Jurkiewicz (b. 1989, Poland) is an interdisciplinary artist working with voice, sound, field recordings, performance and video. As a vocalist, she explores internal spaces – the borderland between breath and voice – and the outer expanses of sound – the resonance of various spaces, both non-human and human-made. Her research-based artwork combines traditional music, ethnography and linguistics with a personal practice of cultivating an intimate relationship with environments where humans encounter non-human beings, timelines, and architectures.

Reza Kellner is an Iranian-Austrian multimedia artist interested in using his multidisciplinary skills to explore and bring together different fields of interest such as metaphysics and environmental hermeneutics and to bring them together. 


Concept: Vera Hagemann, Anna Jurkiewicz, Reza Kellner

Directed and Produced by: Reza Kellner and Anna Jurkiewicz

Performance: Vera Hagemann,Anna Jurkiewicz, Reza Kellner

Camera: Clara Wildberger

Microscopic Footage: Anna Jurkiewicz

Editing and Postproduction: Reza Kellner

Sound Design: Reza Kellner and Anna Jurkiewicz

Funded by: Kulturamt Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark

Special Thanks to: Forum Stadtpark, Selma Etareri, Peter Hutter, David Kranzelbinder, Goha Goździ





Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.

By pebbles

Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.