The work was open for viewing only during the Summer Screenings 2024.

UK (2023)

‘your back is a landscape’ is a video poem that explores the feeling of being overwhelmed by the infinite detail in all things- from the outside world, to the revelation of healthy love, to my own personal inner world. By thinking through audiovisual composition, I can move towards an artistic and emotional expression of this. The body is both centered and abstracted, and becomes a site of exploration into the ambiguous space between tangible and intangible modes of being.

Freda D’Souza (b. 2000) is an interdisciplinary artist based in London. A trained musician and self taught filmmaker, she is currently completing an MA in Audiovisual Cultures at Goldsmiths with a full scholarship. Her area of interest is the expression of multiplicity- both of the infinite self and the vibrating world.


Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.

By pebbles

Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.