The work was open to the public for free for a limited amount of time only! October 20 – November 3.


“Selected Milk (Added from Reconstituted Milk Powder Whole Pasteurized Homogenized)” (00:19:58) by Jose Luis Ducid, Alfonso Camarero, Maria Meseguer, Spain, 2020 




“Selected Milk (Added from Reconstituted Milk Powder Whole Pasteurized Homogenized)”, is in the form of a manual for sellers of milk cartons in supermarkets. Meanwhile, the scenes reflect the flashes of life of a potential seller who does not meet the conditions of a milk carton salesman.


About the directors


José Luis Ducid (Buenos Aires, 1969), a multidisciplinary artist, poet, actor, director and musician, is known in the artistic world as the “Creole Bukowski”, but he refuses to accept any similarity, vehemently raising a glass of whisky.

After his time at the Spencer Workshop of Puerto Madryn in the Argentinian Patagonia, in 1994 he emigrated to Spain where he published “Leche Seleccionada Adicionada de Leche en Polvo Reconstituida Entera Pasteurizada Homogeneizada)” (Tris Tram, Lugo, 1996) and ‘TAN GO-gO Tán’ (Línea de Fuego, Oviedo, 2000).

He studies cinema in the “School of Image and Sound” of A Coruña, and begins to direct. On repeated occasions he received awards as script writer and director of short films such as ‘Cubalibre’ or ‘Unha Estrella’. Among other plays, he also experimented in theatre with his monologue ‘How to be born human and turn into an Argentinian’ or the weekly show ‘Aperitivo Kill’.


Alfonso Camarero (A Coruña, Galicia, Spain, 1972), is also a multidisciplinary artist. Trained as sound engineer, and with studies of philosophy, he was involved in music and cinema since childhood, standing out his 7 international awards as director, scriptwriter and composer.

Now ruling his own recording studio, where he makes musical & audiovisual production.


María Meseguer (Madrid, Spain, 1966) studied photography at the International Center of Photography (ICP) of New York. She made workshops with photographers like Larry Towell, Ferdinando Scciana, Alberto García Alix, Riki Dávila and Alberto Schommer among others.

She works for different institutions in Spain (Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid, Fundación Luis Seoane in A Coruña, ARCO foundation in Madrid, ,GAIAS Museum in Santiago de Compostela)


Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.

By pebbles

Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.