The work was available on our platform only for the period of the screening.


“Vercors” (00:13:50) by Sébastien Berlendis, France, 2021

“Vercors” presents itself as a daydream built in three times, around a woman and different spaces and landscapes filmed in super 8, in the mountainous region of Vercors. The film mixes different forms, it is placed between documentary, poetic essay about a landscape and experimental fiction.


The image, whether cinematographic or photographic, has always been at the center of my artistic concerns. Cinema, in particular, was the subject of my first emotions or loves, and when I was twenty years old I imagined myself making my life out of it; I don’t know why I waited so long before I started. In the absence of filmmaking, I practiced photography semi-professionally, in the sense that my work was frequently exhibited between 2007 and 2013. I still practice photography, but since that last date, it has passed in the background. On this date, the writing suddenly came to take the whole place. Five books have since been published, the first four at Stock, the last at Actes Sud, and a sixth, Seize lacs et une seule mer, will be released in October 2021 also at Actes Sud. The cinema remained there, close to me, and during the last decade, I accumulated meters of film – I film exclusively in super 8 – which documented the geographical spaces that are dear to me. And this is how gradually my first film was built and ended up seeing the light of day in February 2021. This film belongs to the documentary genre although it is probably not a documentary in the purest sense of the term. It would rather resemble a documentary reverie around a womans, spaces, and landscapes of the Vercors, a reverie that would tend slightly towards experimental cinema. I use this medium becauseI have always worked with silver films, including in my photographic works. I love the grain, the material of the silver film and this material gives, I hope, to my film its character both present, perhaps even sensual, and timeless.

Director: Sébastien Berlendis

Produced by: Les films de décembre


Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.

By pebbles

Pebbles Underground is focused on showcasing and promoting experimental, avant-garde, underground, and no-to-low budget projects by artist-humans from all over the world. Absurd, uncanny, witty, humorous, slow-video – all are welcomed, and loved. Pebbles Underground is an independent project not funded by any government or corporation, and we intend to keep it that way. Main source of funding is personal donations from humans organizing the project, who are artists themselves, and the main drive of the project is formed by the energy and involvement of the organizers, and the public.